Quotes About Trying Again Quotes About Trying Again From Benjamin Franklin

When legendary jazz musician Miles Davis wrote this time management quote, he probably wasn't thinking about how you lot spend your mean solar day. But he hit on a truth that is so easy to forget during our decorated, busy days.

Your 24-hour interval, just like everyone else'due south, is but 24 hours. Notwithstanding somehow certain people seem to be able to squeeze more than from that time than others. What it all comes down to is fourth dimension management—how you choose to plan, prioritize, and spend the hours you have.

To go inspired to make the most of your daily 24 hours, hither are some powerful fourth dimension direction quotes from history'due south most productive people.

While you're here… According to studies, merely 10% of people feel "in control" of how they spend their time each solar day.

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Time management quotes about planning your day

"What gets measured gets managed."

Nowhere is this truer than when y'all're trying to go the most out of your time. Hither are some powerful quotes about the planning aspect of fourth dimension management:

Time management quotes Chinese proverb

"He who every morning plans the transactions of that twenty-four hour period and follows that plan carries a thread that will guide him through the labyrinth of the about busy life."

Victor Hugo

"Lack of direction, not lack of time, is the problem. We all have twenty-iv 60 minutes days."

Zig Ziglar

"The most efficient way to alive reasonably is every morning to make a plan of i's day and every nighttime to examine the results obtained."

Alexis Carrel

"The common homo is non concerned about the passage of time, the homo of talent is driven by it."

Arthur Schopenhauer

"The bad news is fourth dimension flies. The good news is yous're the pilot"

Michael Altshuler

"By failing to fix, you are preparing to fail." – Benjamin Franklin Click To Tweet

How you can use these to plan your day better

As the famous motivational speaker Zig Ziglar said, we all have the same 24 hours. And learning to employ them to their best potential is at the core of time management.

Outset by tracking how you spend your time to sympathise where information technology'due south going (and where it's beingness wasted). Then, listen to the words of Carrel and Hugo who championed morning routines, evening reviews, and setting and following daily goals.

Fourth dimension management quotes about setting priorities

Time direction comes down to making choices. Should you spend your day in meetings or cake out time to piece of work on your more important piece of work? Should you lot wake up early on or hit the snooze button?

Here are some powerful quotes on how to fix priorities and make good choices with your time:

Time management quotes thoreau

"Yous must vie with time'south swiftness in the speed of using it, and, every bit from a torrent that rushes by and will not always period, y'all must potable chop-chop."

Seneca, On the Shortness of Life

"We all know our coin isn't infinite, yet we end up treating our time and energy and attention as if they are."

Shane Parrish

"You lot get to decide where your fourth dimension goes. You tin either spend information technology moving forward, or you can spend it putting out fires. You make up one's mind. And if you don't make up one's mind, others will determine for you."

Tony Morgan

"Time = life; therefore, waste your time and waste product of your life, or master your fourth dimension and principal your life."

Alan Lakein

How you tin utilize these to set better priorities

More anything, these quotes remind us that time is fleeting. And if we don't actively set priorities and protect our time, it volition be taken from us.

Remember to carve up the urgent from the important, create your own "avert-at-all-costs" listing, and bring dorsum "no" into your vocabulary.

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Time management quotes about beating procrastination

Despite knowing what we need to do, information technology'south easy to push it off for some later appointment. And while procrastination is commonplace, let'due south hear from some of the world's nearly prolific creators how they push through it:

Time management quotes Stephen King

"Tomorrow is often the busiest twenty-four hours of the calendar week."


"Procrastination is the fine art of keeping up with yesterday and avoiding today."

Wayne Dyer

"You lot may delay, but time will not."

Benjamin Franklin

"A plan is what, a schedule is when. Information technology takes both a plan and a schedule to become things done."

Peter Turla

"A human who dares to waste product one hr of life has non discovered the value of life."

Charles Darwin

"The best time to start was terminal year. Failing that, today will do." – Chris Guillebeau Click To Tweet

How yous can use these to fight off procrastination

Procrastination is less of strictly a fourth dimension management upshot and more than of an emotional i. Again, recognizing the issue is the start step in fighting procrastination.

Listen to Founding Father Benjamin Franklin when he says that time won't stop (even if yous ignore it). Then, recognize, as Chris Guillebeau said, that even if you have procrastinated, starting now is the best thing you tin practice.

Finally, become moving by following best-selling author Stephen King's advice and just start! Researchers have found that telling yourself you'll work on something just for 5 minutes is usually plenty to break downwards the emotional bulwark and beat procrastination.

Time management quotes about finding your focus

If procrastination and planning aren't bug for you lot, I'm sure that focus is.

We all get caught up in daydreams, get distracted, or just lose our focus. Only getting the most out of your time ways beingness laser-focused when y'all need to be.

Here are some quotes distilling the secrets to staying focused all mean solar day long:

Time management quotes Peter Drucker

"Yous tin can't depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus."

Mark Twain

"You can have it all. Merely not all at once."

Oprah Winfrey

"The essence of self-discipline is to do the important thing rather than the urgent thing."

Barry Werner

"Absorb what is useful, reject what is useless, add what is specifically your own."

Bruce Lee

"Information technology'due south surprising how much free fourth dimension and productivity you gain when you lose the busyness in your mind."

Brittany Burgunder

"It's non that I'm and so smart, it'south but that I stay with problems longer."

Albert Einstein

"Realize that now, in this moment of time, you are creating. You are creating your next moment. That is what's real."

Sara Paddison

How yous can use these to get your focus back

Every bit Einstein puts it, important work deserves your focus. Follow Werner and Drucker's communication and make up one's mind what deserves your attention.

Next, recognize that you most likely only have 4–5 hours of productive, focused piece of work a day. That means that for anything that is "useless", as Lee says, it's fourth dimension to either ditch information technology or delegate.

RescueTime supercharges your focus by automatically blocking distractions like social media, news, amusement, and annihilation else that takes abroad your attention.

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Time direction quotes most boosting productivity

The goal of time management is always productivity—to become more than done in less fourth dimension. However, this doesn't come downwards to but planning when you'll piece of work, but understanding the best ways how to work.

Here are some suggestions:

Time management quotes Paul J Meyer

"If I had six hours to chop downwardly a tree, I would spend the first 4 hours sharpening the axe."

Abraham Lincoln

"Don't be fooled past the calendar. There are but as many days in the year equally you make use of. One man gets but a week'southward value out of a twelvemonth while some other man gets a full yr's value out of a week."

Charles Richards

"The central is in non spending fourth dimension, but in investing it."

Stephen R. Covey

"One can find time for everything if one is never in a hurry."

Mikhail Bulgakov

"Should y'all detect yourself in a chronically leaking gunkhole, energy devoted to irresolute vessels is likely to be more than productive than energy devoted to patching leaks." – Warren Buffett Click To Tweet

How you can utilise these to give your productivity a bump

Productivity doesn't just happen on its own as Meyer, the founder of the Success Motivation Plant, said. Instead, there are very specific things you need to do to exist more productive.

That ways becoming self-enlightened of what work drives the biggest results, blocking out external distractions, and optimizing your daily schedule to practice the right work at the right time.

Fourth dimension management quotes about multitasking

It's always tempting to endeavour to practice more than than one thing at a time. But science (and these quotes) prove that multitasking only isn't an option if you desire to manage your time properly.

Time management quotes Alexander Graham Bell

"To do ii things at once is to do neither."

Publius Syrus

"The shorter way to exercise many things is to simply practice one affair at a time."


"If yous want to make good utilise of your time, you lot've got to know what'south most of import and then give it all you've got."

Lee Iacocca

"Don't make the same determination twice. Spend fourth dimension and thought to make a solid decision the outset time and then that you don't revisit the issue unnecessarily."

Bill Gates

"You can do two things at once, only you tin't focus effectively on ii things at in one case."

Gary Keller

"Exist like a postage stamp postage — stick to one thing until you get there." – Josh Billings. Click To Tweet

How you tin can employ these to quit multitasking

What all 3 quotes here acknowledge is that splitting your attention between tasks means not giving your all to either. If we desire real results and to spend our fourth dimension wisely, it'southward more of import to focus solely on 1 task before moving onto the next.

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Time management quotes virtually making better decisions

As we said before, fourth dimension management comes down to making good decisions. But sometimes we need a little reminder of that. Hither are some influential quotes about the sheer importance of the choices y'all make about how you spend your time:

Time management quotes Bruce Lee

"1 always has time enough, if one will use it well."

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by."

Douglas Adams

"Your hereafter is created by what y'all practise today, not tomorrow."


"It's how we spend our time hither and at present, that really matters. If you are fed upwards with the way you accept come to interact with fourth dimension, change it."

Marcia Wieder

How you can use these to make better choices about how you lot spend your time

Information technology all comes downwardly to what Lee says: Life is time. Don't captivate over deadlines, equally Adam notes, but rather apply your time in the best means possible. Every bit von Goethe says, yous'll always have enough time to do the things you want, if you lot choose to spend your time on those tasks.

Time management quotes about the importance of residuum

Lastly, while time management seems to be so much about doing more, it's important to also take time to rest.

Disconnecting from work lets our mind and body recharge. Information technology ensures that when we are working side by side, nosotros're working at total chapters.

Time management quotes Ovid

"The best thing about the time to come is that information technology comes ane day at a time."

Abraham Lincoln

"Have regular hours for work and play; make each twenty-four hours both useful and pleasant, and prove that you understand the worth of time by employing it well."

Louisa May Alcott

"The time you bask wasting is not wasted time." - Bertrand Russell Click To Tweet

How you can use these to prioritize downtime

In our culture of more, it's piece of cake to forget the benefits of costless time. In the effort to manage your fourth dimension improve, remember that not everything can or should be managed.

Every bit old Honest Abe put it, there'southward always tomorrow. And if y'all're doing something y'all savour with your fourth dimension off, it'southward not possible you wasted information technology.

Time is our near precious resource. And while we tin can't command its movement, nosotros can make certain nosotros get the most out of the time we do take.

These time management quotes will hopefully help you when yous're feeling bromidic, lost, and unsure of what to do.


Source: https://blog.rescuetime.com/time-management-quotes/

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